Please let us know what you think of the following ideas for the first part of Term 3, or suggest more of your own:

1. National Tree Day (27th July). This is the week we will launch the Justice League on assembly and thought we could plant a tree (or a tree seed) to signify the start of the group. What do you think?

2. World Youth Day (14th August). This coincides with the Vinnies and Brisbane Youth Service "Homeless Sleep Out". We could do a sleep out in the McKennariey Centre (if we get lots of people we will need to hire security so will cost  a lot - wont raise so much money), or do a movie night in Tierney Auditorium. For either option students will have to raise at least $20 (selling raffle tickets) to come along. Which one / other ideas?

3. "Stella Fella" against human trafficking (September 7). To raise money and awareness about Human Trafficking we will ask teachers and Yr 11 and 12 students to buy a bow time and wear it to school on the 7th of September. See for more info. How many people do you ?

4. Should we try to make some sort of APP!!??

We will also promote "Walk to the Philippines" and International Day of Peace and some other ideas later in the term, but please let us know what you think of these so far.