The main ideas people wrote down for our mission statement were "Make a Difference" "Build Social Awareness / Educate / Advocate" "Change People's Lives"  "Help others / the community" "Better world for all" "Dignity" - all people and world itself "Equality". So here's a draft mission statement: Please change and re-post or add comments or suggestions

"We are a group of students, teachers, parents and friends, who are committed to making a difference in the world and helping others. We aim to raise awareness about human rights issues and to be advocates for people who don't have a voice of their own. We are passionate about enhancing the dignity of all people, as well as the planet itself, and believe we can and do make a better world for all."

So far we want everyone to write a letter of welcome and support to asylum seekers in detention. Liam and Yana are going to make a video and we were going to ask people to post photos of themselves showing "one refugee without hope is too many", but we might not be allowed to do that. Maybe a better option is to get each PC group to take a group photo together that we will use to make the video. Does this sound good? Any more ideas?
Below is a list of the most popular events we have said we want to be involved in. Please add any comments or ideas you might have. We will discuss exactly what to do for each one closer to the time.

World Refugee Day - 20th June
NAIDOC Week - 1 - 8 July
Schools Tree Day - 27th July
World Youth Day / Raise Roof / Vinnies Sleepout - 12th August
Stella Fella - Against Human Trafficking - 7th September
International Day of Peace - 21st September
World Food Day - 6th October
World Mental Health Day - 10th October
International Day for the Eradication of Poverty - 17th October
Children's Week / Literacy Week - 17th October
International Human Rights Day - 10th December  
Hi all. So far 15 people have said they want us to be called "Signum Fidei Justic League" and 20 have said "Social Justice League". Please have you say here if you really want one or the other and why. Or if there is another name you really want and why. Thanks