Below is a list of the most popular events we have said we want to be involved in. Please add any comments or ideas you might have. We will discuss exactly what to do for each one closer to the time.

World Refugee Day - 20th June
NAIDOC Week - 1 - 8 July
Schools Tree Day - 27th July
World Youth Day / Raise Roof / Vinnies Sleepout - 12th August
Stella Fella - Against Human Trafficking - 7th September
International Day of Peace - 21st September
World Food Day - 6th October
World Mental Health Day - 10th October
International Day for the Eradication of Poverty - 17th October
Children's Week / Literacy Week - 17th October
International Human Rights Day - 10th December  
6/16/2012 01:07:02 pm

All of the days seem really good days to kick off campaigns, planting trees on the 27th of July and sleeping out for world youth day "raise your roof" look like ideal days to raise awareness

6/23/2012 10:07:44 pm

All sound good to me. What are we going to do for NAIDOc week? It's during the holidays

Justice League
6/23/2012 10:09:43 pm

Might just post some stuff on Facebook to raise some awareness. We'll do more next year when we are a bit better prepared. Keep an eye out on Facebook


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